Free Tax Preparation in Northern Virginia

AARP Foundation TaxAide in Northern Virginia 

The AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program is the nation's largest free, volunteer-run tax preparation service. Volunteers in this program prepare taxes for low and moderate income taxpayers, with special attention to seniors. The national program helped over 1.7 million taxpayers in Tax Year 2024, with over 28,000 volunteers at over 3,300 sites. 

What we can and cannot do

Our counselors are trained in many aspects of tax law, but there are a few situations we cannot handle. Check this link to verify that we can help you.

What you need to bring to the appointment

As you know, we need some identity documents -- and lots of other information to complete your returns. See a complete checklist of what you need to bring.

Keep us all safe

If you don't feel well or have been in close contact with someone with Covid, please don't come to your appointment. Just let us know and we will work with you to reschedule.

Want to prepare your OWN taxes YOURSELF?

Check out our new Facilitated Self-Assistance (FSA) program where you prepare and file your own tax return with our computers and software.  Our volunteers will be available to answer questions. The program will be available in Arlington and Herndon this year.  See our FSA page for more information.

Need Tax-Aide assistance out-of-season?

Once the tax season is over, our volunteers disperse and our phone lines are no longer monitored. If you receive a letter from the IRS about your tax return after the tax season, check out this IRS TaxTip to understand what you need to do. 

If you receive correspondence from the IRS or your state or local revenue agency, you can get assistance from Tax-Aide volunteers by calling 888-227-7669 or by sending an email to with your name, state, zip code, daytime phone number, the name and address of the site where your return was prepared and a brief description of the issue.  Your inquiry will be routed to local volunteers who will contact you directly and try to help you understand the notice and correct your return as necessary.

Find a site near you

Click on the map or the list below it to find out how to make an appointment at one of our sites.

For our western clients

If you live on the western edges of our district, you may find these sites in Loudoun County of use to you.

For other sites outside of Northern Virginia

Check the AARP Foundation TaxAide Locator website