Herndon Fortnightly Library
Welcome to Herndon AARP Foundation Tax-Aide
Welcome to Herndon Tax Aide, located at the Herndon Fortnightly Library. We will be open on:
Mondays from 4pm – 8pm
Wednesdays 12pm - 4pm
Saturdays from 10am – 2pm
We are using the Drop Off Model which is explained on this page.
Please review What We Can and Cannot Do to be sure we can prepare your return. Please note that if you have health insurance through ACA, and are self-employed, we cannot assist you with your taxes. You are out of scope based on the IRS definition of our scope.
Everyone is being asked to:
Make an appointment here herndontaxaide.as.me.
We will only make appointments 2 weeks in advance. This gives us flexibility to reschedule if we have to temporarily close our site due to illness or staffing shortages. Please do not make an appointment until you have all of your tax paperwork in hand.
If you have trouble scheduling an appointment, please drop by when we are open. We will try to schedule you that day, or if that is not possible, we will try to find you an appointment in the near future. We get very busy late in the season and may not be able to fit in additional appointments at that time.
Provide a call-back number (preferably cell phone) and email address where we can reach you if we need to modify your appointment time and we can contact you if we have any questions regarding your return.
Complete the Intake documents. No appointment will be honored if these documents are not filled in, to the best of your ability, prior to arriving.
Every tax return: complete the attached Form 13614-C, and, the rest of the forms in our taxpayer packet, if applicable to you.
If you cannot download the Forms, you can pick up a tax package at the Herndon Library. They will be on a cart on the 1st floor, located by the elevator.
Self-employed (or you received a 1099-NEC or 1099-K), please download the Self Employment Form or take a Self Employment Form from the file folder in the back of the pick up bin.
If you itemize deductions or think you might qualify to itemize, please download the Itemized Deduction (Sch A Worksheet).
If you have Education expenses, please download the Education Credits Worksheet.
Bring your 2023 Tax Returns;
Please remove the forms/letters from their envelopes.
Bring photo IDs for all taxpayers, and SSN/ITIN cards/letters/statements for everyone on the return. Photocopies are fine.
More information will be available on our website. You may contact us by email (preferred) or by phone. The phone is never answered live and is not constantly monitored.
Wearing a mask is not required but may be requested by some of our volunteers. If you feel sick, please reschedule your appointment. We look forward to serving you.
Email: 28050532@aarpfoundation.org
Phone: 703-996-9306
AARP Foundation Taxaide
Herndon Fortnightly Library
768 Center Street
Herndon, VA 20170